"success is never owend, It's rented.And the rent is due everyday."

There are 5 mountain of success which is given below,

1.The Physical Mountain: methodically developing the ability to control and use your body with all-around functionality. This builds confidence and self-esteem and makes you more useful in life and to your team.Thisincludes the physical skills of strength, stamina, work capacity, endurance, and durability, properly fueling the body, sleep, recovery and learning to regulate the sympathetic and parasympathetic aspects of your autonomous nervous system.

2.The Mental Mountain: cultivating mental control and concentration, and upgrading the content of your mind to ensure a positive contribution to the world. In addition, we will sharpen the mental toughness to stay in the fight, and the creativity for more potent work. This includes learning to tap into and rewire subconscious programming and to master the skills, knowledge, and expertise necessary to your personal or professional calling.

3.The Emotional Mountain: understanding, harnessing, and controlling your vast emotional power, developing self-esteem, confidence and forging a positive resiliency in the face of great challenges.

4.The Intuition Mountain: becoming an aware and intuitive leader by learning to look within and develop your sixth sense, to listen with your belly, and get Sheepdog Strong .

5.The Kokoro Mountain: the word Kokoro has Japanese origins and means to merge one's heart and mind into action. This mountain is about developing a connection with your spirit, learning to lead and act with your heart, authentically connecting with others, and striving for an integrated consciousness that benefits all mankind. Kokoro can also be described as positive willpower, a non-quitting spirit, and is associated with your spiritual development.

                           #UNBETABLE MIND


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