17 Reasons To Never Give Up:

1. You Are Alive And You Can

As long as you are alive you have no excuse to say you can’t. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything. Anything is possible.

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. -  Christopher Reeve

The only valid excuse to give up is that you are dead, and if you’re reading this well…

2. Believe In Your Dreams

When you give up, you give up on yourself. Don’t sell yourself short and don’t let anybody bring you down. If you can dream it you can do it. There have been millions of dreamers before you and if they had given up the world wouldn’t have been the same.

Take the example of the Wright brothers who faced sever ridicule when they tried to make flight a reality. Everybody laughed at them and told them it was impossible. They proved the world wrong, and now flight now is considered a common means of travel and it has changed the world.

Hold fast to your dreams, for without them life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. -Langston Hughes

3. You Have Everything You Need

Everything you need to reach your goal is already inside of you. Don’t make excuses, if people can play sports at the Olympic level with disabilities; your short-comings begin to look irrelevant.  

Be thankful. And use your God given blessings.

4. You Don’t Want To Regret This

Regret is the worse feeling a person can feel. Don’t put yourself in that position and do what you have to do, now.

I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do.- Rory Cochrane

5. You Need To Prove It To Yourself

You want to prove it to yourself and the world that you can.

Don’t let anything stop you from your goal. True failure isn’t when you miss the mark; but it’s when you give up. You are more capable and quitting is for losers.   

6. Success Feels Great

There is no better feeling in this world other than knowing that you faced an obstacle and that only through grit and determination you overcame it and became successful.

7. It Could Change For The Better

It might be really tough now, but it can all instantly change. If you keep going at it you never know when you’ll hit a breakthrough.

Don’t be like the person who dug a well 50mand gave up justifying that he was digging a dry well. And the person who came after him dug 1 m and hit water.

8. This Is Meant To Happen

You were destined to do this. Nothing can stop you but yourself so keep going at it and never give up. #BecomeLegendary

9. You Are Strong

You have the strength to do whatever you want and no matter the amount of setbacks you face you have the strength to keep going.

10. Pride

You have high standards for yourself and you must try to never fall short. Work as hard as you have to, for as long as you have to, to achieve your goal.

11. Learning

You will learn a lot from not giving up. You will learn about your strengths and your weaknesses. How to do things better next time and most importantly you will learn how to tackle the problems that you face head-on.

12. It Could Be Worse

The situation could be a lot worse and you should be thankful for being able to face what you are facing, because there are people out there who have much bigger problems.

13. You Deserve Happiness And Success

Everyone deserves happiness and success, including you. Don’t let these small bumps in the road take away your right.

14. Inspire Others

Be an inspiration for others. Refuse to give up and try your hardest; you never know who is watching. Your hard work and dedication could be the spark that was needed to light the dreams of those around you. Maybe you have children or siblings that look up to you. You are a hero.

15. Failure Is Normal

It’s impossible to reach success without first facing failure, so don’t let anything stop you. Failure is a normal process in life. It’s not the end but just a stream changing directions before it finally reaches the ocean.

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying. -Michael Jordan

16. Things Can Only Get Better

By sticking to your goal and being persistent things can only get better. If you’ve hit rock bottom or feel you’re on your way down. Remind yourself that with the right amount of hard work what comes down must go up.

Hard work and determination can get you anything in life.


17. It’s Always The Darkest Before Dawn

Understand that the hardest trials are the ones that come right before the breakthrough. So stay persistent because at any given moment you are at the tipping point and success awaits you.

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